Agnes Zabali Boys and Girls Club
Dreams Can Come True
Read the stories about our graduates! Young men and women who AZBGC has supported through school and university. See how AZBGC has helped their dreams come true.
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Help! Help! Help!
“I hope that my curiosity and hard work will help my fulfill my dream of becoming a journalist.”
Diana, 17 years old

“To experience the drive, passion and dedication of the AZBGC youth is so uplifting.”
Linda Newton, Ottawa Committee Member

Just Perfect!
“Each year with the AZBGC children & youth enables me to stay grounded in my life and my work.”
Professor Ruth Kane, Ottawa Committee Member

Who is AZBGC
The Agnes Zabali Boys and Girls Club a non-profit organization which supports education, health, sports and wellbeing of vulnerable children and youth in Kamengo, Uganda. AZBGC’s mission is to help children living in poverty remain in school and reach their true and full potential.
Through providing access to education, we prevent young members of the club from prematurely leaving school and, in the case of girls, reduce the change of early pregnancy. The underlying goal of the AZBGC project is to support education, health and wellbeing of vulnerable children and youth of Kamengo so that they can help develop long-term solutions for their community.
How we help
AZBGC programs are designed to provide a safe and supportive place where every child is respected and valued in an environment of inclusion and acceptance. All children and youth in the project model hard work, honesty, fair play, positive attitude, cooperation, and respect for self and others. The support provided by AZBGC reduces poverty and inequalities. It is an organization with no political or religious affiliations, that serves children of Kamengo regardless of their ethnicity, race, or religion, with the goal of helping as many children as possible go to school and have a chance to be successful.

Get Involved!

Location: Ottawa
Ottawa Activities
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Location: Kamengo
Volunteer in Kamengo
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Location: Kamengo
Experience the Village
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